Thursday, February 10, 2011

"The weather today.."

I love having those daft conversations about the weather in a fake, snotty British accent.

"Ooohhh myyyy, the wea-thuh is quittte mah-valous. Don't you ah-gree Mah-jorie?"
"Ohhh yes, Pippa dah-ling, indeed! The roooses are coming in quite nicely."

Whilst sipping tea and stroking my roses lovingly.

In short, the weather here has been absolutely fantastic. But how can you not expect that from California? Haha.
Pictures coming soon.

Have a mah-veloussss day (Marjorie)! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Super noob!

Last Friday night I attempted pin curls. Mind you I have no experience with curls or playing with my hair, aside from braids, and don't know where to get (or how to use) certain types of rollers. I was super dooper excited to try them out after following and , both blogs which have people who can curl amazingly well. I was just itching to try it out and I think it went well...

Hat: American Apparel, black pleated skirt: vintage from Etsy, Cardigan: American Eagle, Tank top: American Apparel, Cute pin (on hat): some accesories shop in Japan.

I lobe my flats to death! They're from Topshop and the cutest thing. The only thing that I don't like is that, despite the price, I can see some spots where the fabric is ripped. Blegh, oh well.

I do however lobe my beret and pin together. I usually don't wear the beret because it looks a little awkward with my hair normal and slightly wavy/straight.
Oh well! I think it turned out nicely, I think I'm going to try it again tonight.
Night to all! Super noob awaaaay!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Made a Twitter! Listen to the joyous trumpeting in the back of my cavernous marble castle on steroids!
I thought I would never come to Twitter. But I kind of find it weirdly awesome.

And while looking for an adorable peace-signing neko to put on here, look at this little cutie I found...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Loathing, unadulterated loathing

If I wrote them on my own on things that I wanted to write about, like say Lolita, then I would be very content.
But nooooooo, we have to write long essays about science and whatnot.
I much rather write about books and life and interesting things that INTEREST ME!
Ay yay yay.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oh summer, let me count the ways in which I love you

Dearest Summer,
Have I ever told you how much I love thee? Your warm sunny days of freedom and ice cream leave me fulfilled and content. The freedom of wearing shorts of any length and shirts that expose my bra straps without school staff breathing down my neck is so close. Oh how I wish you were here! Then I could skip over to a friend's house and enjoy you in all your glory. I can almost taste the sunshine on my tongue and the sweat on my skin.
I long for you, dearest summer. It is only the beginning of March and already my heart aches for you, wanting, pleading, needing. I want to wear flip flops and shirts without my sweat shirt. I want to eat Otter Pops every day and write stories in my back yard. I want to burn all of my tights and long pants, sweaters and my heaviest jacket.
In the winter it was cold, mildly cold enough so that I could wear tights and summer skirts, but still cold enough that I was forced to wear tights. Bleghh, winter was so cold and dull, but you are so full of wonder and warmth.

Your lover


To all people (coughcough urban outfitters) who make dresses that have super sweet complicated backs, please at least make the front just as cute.

As much as I enjoy the back, in all its demure loveliness, when I turn around I'd like to hear people say that it looks good from both the front and the back.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Whenever I feel overwhelming pain, I have two choices:
1. I can hold it inside and bottle it up and know that I'll never be alone in my house to cry alone.
2. I can lock my door, shut the blinds on my window and hide beneath my covers. My blankets offer a sense of security that nothing can penetrate. I can sob those terrible sobs that rack the body and make great heaving sounds, but regardless, I am alone. I can hide underneath the darkness and be alone and with my own privacy to feel my own feelings at their fullest.

Most of the times I end up choosing option one. But for the past two times that I have felt the feelings of crying rise up inside of me, I have chosen option 2.
There is something so freeing about releasing my emotions in one tear-filled moment when I can be completely alone and without people barging into my room. And once the feeling passes, I can continue on with my merry life contemplating things and trying to be deep and insightful. (Hahahah! Whenever I tell people what I'm really thinking about why people do certain things or wear certain clothing, they are shocked and tell me I'm really deep. But whenever I tell someone they're deep, I mean it in a very caustic way. It's very surprising :).)
Which brings me to today.
Today in my horrible Physical Education class (or L'EPS as I would rather call it because French is wonderful!) I was in a contemplative state. I was talking to one of my friends who I'll call Ginger and she was looking up ahead at this one girl in front of us. This girl had squeezed herself into jeans about four sizes to small and a top that had her arms and torso practically busting out of it. Needless to say, the sight was not great for the eye.
Ginger was shocked at the girl's clothes and very disgusted. "Why would she ever think that was cool? Her boobs look like they're about to explode out of her shirt!"
"Well, judging from how tight her clothes are and her body type (thick and short) she doesn't appear to have much confidence at all. She probably wears her clothes so tight to get attention and possible appreciation for her body." I felt that this is something that is easy to figure out, something that people talk about in books about depression and cutting all the time. Needless to say, Ginger just looked at me:
"Wow, that's deep."
"Thanks," I roll my eyes.
Though regardless of the fact that I can only really be truly when I feel most lonely, I do like the perspective.